Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Blood, Sweat & Steel is finally in final playtesting!

Yeah yeah, I know, I've been saying this for some time now.  But the fact of the matter is that I believe that play testing is the most important step in creating a playable game.  It's where the rubber hits the road, and it's where you find the flaws in the system, and make those tiny adjustments and improvements that wouldn't be possible without extensive testing.

Now that the magic system is in place, I'm in the process of creating a spell list and a ritual list, although other play testers have found the system quite usable as a "use on the fly" magic system.  The underlying mechanics are in place, so the system is usable.  That said, I am still going to provide a fairly comprehensive list in order to make the game as easy to play as possible.

I've been having some great success finding players on G+, using Hangouts.  In fact, I've created a G+ Community specifically for playing Blood, Sweat & Steel online, using Hangouts.  I've even started a subscription with a great app called Roll20, which is a virtual tabletop application created to play tabletop roleplaying games online.

In addition to my own play testing, I have 2 other groups playing Blood, Sweat & Steel as well, and they've both done some really cool things with it to adjust it to their playing tastes.  That gives me a lot of confidence that this system will be flexible enough to allow easy modding for different playing styles.

There are plans to create a Kickstarter project for Blood, Sweat & Steel in the next month or so.  I will be posting updates for that as well.


  1. Is there an updated PDF since the Professions one?

    1. I'm currently working on the latest revision. I basically had to completely replace the Professions chapter with the Skills chapter, as well as completely rewrite the Magic chapter. I'm also rewriting the Character Development chapter and Playing the Game chapters as well.

      The not-so-fun part of this process is that every time you change one thing, you have to change 100 other things in 100 other parts of the book! LOL!

      I should be able to get you a functional PDF by the weekend Terrence! :)
